Pumpkin Time
How to display deadlines to users
Qual Suite
as-of AKA now ⟶ deadline
w/ TZ
New Qual Suite (if all of the above deviations are 👍)
Testing different kinds of spaces
hair (hairsp, 8202, x200A)
narrow no-break (8239, x202F)
thin (thinsp, 8201, x2009)
6-per-em (8198, x2006)
4-per-em (8197, x2005)
mathematical (8287, x205F)
punctuation (puncsp, 8200, x2008)
non-breaking (nbsp, 160, x00A0)
3-per-em (8196, x2004)
en (ensp, 8194, x2002)
figure (numsp, 8199, x2007)
em (emsp, 8195, x2003)